Excel in your biology class with these tips
Studying for a biology class requires a different set of techniques as when preparing for a math or English class. Specific study strategies are needed to achieve good grades in biology. Steven Rindner, a bio major, shares some tips on how you can excel in biology class.
Much like preparing for a history subject, it can give a student a great start by reading the required text prior to the class. Some students don’t have time to read an entire chapter before school starts. An alternative for this is to look at the pictures, read and understand their captions. A visual class, biology best explains some concepts by showing pictures. There is no need to memorize the whole chapter as most teachers won’t go through it word per word.
Avoid unnecessary note-taking not to miss a word in the lecture. Do this instead: Listen to the lecture and write down words you don’t understand, ask the instructor, and learn all about them after the class. When studying on your own, rewrite and organize notes to review previous lessons. Take advantage of online notes by instructors and fellow students, as yours may not be complete.
Lab classes may be daunting, reckons Steven Rindner, bio major. Before lab day, make sure to read the lab notes for the class as most classes held in the lab require students to be self-sufficient in finishing tasks. In groupings, it would be beneficial to still be familiar and knowledgeable on assignments you won’t have to perform. This ensures instructors that you can actually do it on your own.